Friday, December 20, 2019

नारियल से उपयोगी तोहफे

उपयोगी तोहफे बनाइए.....
उपयोगी तोहफे बनाइए.....
आम-तौर पर हम बहुत सी चीजों को अनुपयोगी समझ कर फैंक देते हैं लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि इनसे भी आप कई उपयोगी चीजें बना सकती हैं१ यदि चाहें तो आज ही आप नारियल से फूलदान, पेन-स्टैंड,ऐश ट्रे, और बचचो को जनमदिवस पर चाकलेट भर कर देने के लिये आकरसक बरतन बना सकती हैं। टूटी पलेटों से गमलों के थांवरे बना सकती हैं।


आवश्यक  सामानः नारियल, चाकू, पीलर, (सैंड- पेपर) आरी, चूङी, टूथ-पेसट का ढकन, पेच, वारनीश, रंग आदि।
बनाने की विधिः आवकतानुसार गीला अथवा सूखा नारियल, जो (चटखा न हो) लेकर चाकू की सहायता से उसका रेशा निकाल दीजिए, पीलर  से अच्छी तरह छील लीजिये तथा रेगमार पेपर की सहायता से उसे खूब चिकना कर लीजिए, ताकि वानिश और रंग उस पर भली प्रकार  चढ सके। आप जितना रेगमार पेपर से रगङेंगीं उसकी फिनिश उतनी ही सुनदर आयेगी।
रेशा उखाङने के बाद नारियल में आपको तीन सूराख अथवा गडढे नजर आयेंगे, उस तरफ एक चूङी रख कर पेंसिल को चू,ङी के घेरे के अंदर घुमा दीजिए। इससे नारियल पर गोलाकार निशान बन जायेगा, जिस पर कि आपको नारियल काटना है। सादा अथवा लोहा काटने वाली आरी को निशान पर रख कर धीरे-धीरे आरी चलाइए।जब निशान के सथान पर कुछ गहरा गडढा हो जाये, तो नारियल को थोङा सा घुमाइए तथा आरी चलाती जाइए, जब तक कि वह दो भागों में कट न जाये।अब उसके दोनों भागों में बीचों-बीच चाकू की नोक से घुमा-घुमा कर इतना मोटा सुराख कर लीजिए कि पेच अथवा नट-बोलट लगाये जा सकें। इस काम में यदि आपको दिकत हो, तो आप बढई से यह काम करवा सकती हैं। अब चित्र   में दिखाये अनुसार काटे गए नारियल के दोनों भागों को पेच अथवा नट बोलट की सहायता से जोङ दीजिये, दोनों के बीच में टूथ पेसट का ढकन सूराख करके लगाना ना भूलें. लीजिये आपका पैन स्टेण्ड,फूलदान, पेन्सिल स्टेण्ड। टॉफियां डालने वाली सुन्दर कटोरी कितनी ही जरूरी चीजें बन गई।


Friday, October 25, 2019

How to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables

 Image result for vegetable basket pics

·         Fruits and vegetables are the base of the pyramid nutrition. This means that we should eat them
·         as many as possible. Sometimes, however, that after eating an apple, grape or tomato rozboli
·         stomach. We wonder then what happens if you do not have allergies. Often, but not
·         This is an allergic reaction to the product, only the chemistry contained therein. treated
·         pesticides in order to not spoiled in transit or wax to give a more beautiful look
·         us a hard time, if not before eating remove these poisons. Some of them accumulate
·         in the body and over time can lead to cancer . We can not order 
·         manufacturers would not use chemicals, but we can cope on home remedies to
·         as far as possible to remove it, and thus protect health.

·         Fruits and vegetables contain the most pesticides

·         With vegetables absorb the most pesticides tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach and celery
·         celery. Fruits that need to be especially careful are apples, grapes, strawberries,
·         peaches, nectarines and cherries. A separate category is citrus fruits, which are
·         Prisca often as potent as imazalil that already eating the orange 2
·         agent can make us poisoning. The same is true of bananas and watermelon.

·         Water is not enough

·         If you think that it is enough properly wash fruits and vegetables to get rid of these
·         dirty tricks then you are wrong. Wax does not wash off with water, and a pesticide or not. one can
·         buy a special eco-friendly liquid for washing vegetables and fruits, but such measures are not cheap.
·         You can also wash properly citrus water with liquid detergent. then there
·         chance that he rinses chemical stuff. It is more difficult with grapes. It's not possible
·         winogronka thoroughly scrub all. One can, however, manage home
·         the methods of removing the peel of the fruit and vegetable pesticides.

·         How to remove pesticides from the peel of fruits and vegetables home remedies?

·         Prepare an acidic solution. Per liter of water add half a cup of vinegar. Rinse vegetables in it
·         and fruit for 3 minutes.

·         In a separate bowl, prepare an alkaline solution. Per liter of water add a heaped tablespoon
·         soda. Rinse it in fruits and vegetables for another 3 minutes.
·         Attention:
·         Water after such washing may become murky and yellowish, and its surface may appear
·         a  greasy residue. This means that pesticides are washed off the skin.

·         The  last stage is the rinsing of fruits and vegetables with running water.


·         After this step, we are sure that any contamination from the skin last. remains
·         the only question is how much stuff chemical used for spraying penetrated into the vegetables and
·         fruit. Scientist from Gdansk took up researching of selected fruits and vegetables and
·         checking how far inwardly these substances can penetrate. We can only wait
·         results.

·         At the end, the consolation I give you a list of fruits and vegetables, which, as the researchers
·         the non-profit EEC are as free of pesticides. They claim that the accumulation
·         toxic substances in vegetables and fruits is dependent on the construction of their tissues,
·         which is sometimes a kind of protective barrier. For those lucky they are: cabbage, onions,
·         cauliflower, asparagus, avocado, mango, eggplant, pineapple, sweet potatoes and green peas.

·         kitchen

·         That's all from me for today. I'm curious what you think about this. Or you had the sensations
·         stomach after eating grapes, apples or tomatoes? Try on the way home
·         removal of pesticides?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Quote of the day

You doubt we read the stars on high
Nathless we read your fortunes true;
The stars may hide in the upper sky
But without glass we fathom you.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Quote of the day 

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way."
-  Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Friday, August 9, 2019

Indian prayer

Oh our Mother the earth, Oh our Father the sky,
Your children are we, and with tired backs
We bring you the gifts you love.
Then weave for us a garment of brightness;
May the Warp be the white light of the morning,
May the weft be the red light of the evening,
May the fringes be the falling rain,
May the border be the standing rainbow.
Thus weave for us a garment of brightness,
That we may walk fittingly where birds sing,
That we may walk fittingly where grass is green,
Oh our Mother Earth, Oh our Father Sky.


Friday, August 2, 2019

Fourteen Dates I Keep Track Of

. January 3 - my niece’s birthday
2. January 14 - my niece’s birthday
3. March 11 - Mom's birthday

4. April 11 – my niece’s birthday
5. April 22 - Dad's birthday
6. April 2 – My daughter’s birthday
7. May 14 – my nephew’s birthday
8. July 5- son's birthday
9. August 6 - brother's birthday
10. August 12 - sister's birthday
11. August 22 - brother's birthday
12. September 22 - my niece’s birthday
13. November 17 - My birthday
14. December 3 - sister's birthday


Saturday, July 6, 2019


I have the impression that people's feelings have become shallow, clear: we are more and more aware of many things, we know more and more about ourselves and the reality that surrounds us. It is fashionable and necessary and without doubt continuous improvement. We know more and more, we live in a hurry, we fail and succeed ...
Wonderful when success pleases and failure teaches.
Sometimes I have the impression that we have unfortunately become more selfish, we know more than we feel the words spoken: please, I'm sorry or thank you are just words because it falls out like that. I omit people who are foreign to these phrases, because unfortunately it happens anyway. But do we actually feel? Or maybe we also have no time for feelings? Much is said in the context of how it would be good for us: do not worry, do not stress, take care of yourself. And others. If someone is affected by misfortune? "Sick daughter" .... sure, there are many cheaters, but it's easier to look away ... but what if we are unlucky?
Yesterday I met a lady who adopted a dog from a shelter, expressed gratitude to the person who gave the dog. "The Lord claimed that he lost his flat" - the Lady did not express any sadness over the fate of this Lord who, perhaps, with heartache parted with his friend. The lady was grateful that he gave the dog away, that he didn't attach it somewhere. However, at some point she expressed her deficiency in the form of a lack of knowledge about the dog, his preferences regarding karma .... Well, I just remembered the topic I was supposed to raise here, namely gratitude :)
    I had a situation in which I felt gratitude and hence a strong desire retaliation, making a nice gesture ... as it was hard for me I decided to ask what I could give ... my question was often not so much misunderstood as it was in surprise.
I think that sometimes ordinary thank you is not enough, sometimes my gratitude is so great that I feel a strong desire to repay.
Gratitude is also realizing and accepting the fact that success is not only our merit, that there is someone without whom some things would be more difficult or impossible. Someone could refuse, and yet showed good will, did not have to, it was not due to us and it is worth being grateful. Not only that: you are not sure if the favor will happen again.
We are grateful for something. Religions also encourage gratitude, reminding you that man is not almighty and almighty, he is not the navel of the world. You didn't earn, you didn't buy and you got life, health and this is a reason to thank. I am not a believer myself, but I give this attitude as an example of being happier and enjoying the moment.

A long time ago, I had the opportunity to observe two people for a short time: older, unfamiliar women ... both lonely, living in misery, in addition, sick and bedridden. They didn't know each other but lived quite close together - maybe two kilometers. Housing conditions almost identical. The difference was one, fundamental: a sense of gratitude to Mrs. s aggressive and demanding, dominant. Another smiling, happy and grateful that someone came to her. I remind you that both women are completely dependent and lying.
A sense of control, a strong desire to control yourself and others, selfishness, self-centeredness. Blending into one mass, meaning, trash, attempting to see joy in fine things ... one great machine fueled by the desire to profit, survive just any way. We think about ourselves so often and so little about others. This attitude is very debilitating in the long run, which leads to disorders and diseases. Letting go of control brings relief, gratitude: happiness.
   Gratitude gives us a sense of happiness, it does not close but opens to other people, motivates us to act, drives us but does not burn. Well, but if we have good thinking does not appear: this is the norm, then I deserve?
I remember a certain meeting of bloggers: I mean by spending time together people who share common activities, interests ... It's very sad when someone can not appear at such a meeting which I think is a great opportunity to meet in person, ask questions, hear something ... I am always accompanied by great emotions, great joy and gratitude. Sure, everyone experiences their own way: there are those who appear for gifts, their business. However, I can not understand: the attitudes of people who report, and unfortunately do not reach the place, it is not known for what reasons, well it happens. I was stunned by the claims of such people against the organizers ... I am a monument and I do not understand: if I promised something and I failed, it is appropriate to say sorry. From repentance, in this situation, there is a whole gulf. The last thing that would come to mind is asking for ... gifts, what times when the most important thing is for which you can pay, play without a problem: if not stationary, it is via the Internet. Priceless is time, attention, the presence of another person, m


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Thought is a powerful force - how to put it into practice

Image result for sunrise pics

Will anyone still protest today that thoughts are a powerful force that can be used for good or bad use? Thoughts can help or harm us. "Everything we are is the result of our thoughts," said Buddha. Let us be worried about finding a few practical examples on how to use the power of thought in life. Here are my suggestions ...
1. Obsessive thinking. Happy is the one who has never experienced it. There is a comparison between obsessive thinking and holding a glass of water in hand. no matter how much it weighs, no matter how long we hold it: if a minute - no problem, an hour - the hand starts to ache, all day - the hand will eventually lose feeling. The glass still weighs the same, but the longer you hold it, the heavier it becomes. Remember to put down the glass!
2. If joy is lacking in our actions, let us not do it any longer. Apparently easy to say, but more difficult to perform, sometimes in our activities we feel so enslaved by various life circumstances that it is difficult for us to simply withdraw. Often, work becomes our prison or marriage. If we feel like a prison that you can't escape, it's a sign that it's bad with us. We must forcibly find at least small joys in our everyday, gloomy existence, something that will brighten the darkness of our soul - literally by force. Such joys found by force can - with a little commitment on our part - become a stepping stone to a better quality of life. Sometimes it is enough to make a small break in the wall to see the light of day.
3. Life in fear, anxiety paralyzes our actions, destroys us. Oh yes, nothing can suppress us, destroy us physically and mentally, like the years spent in fear / anxiety (I will not dwell on these differences now - both feelings destroy the body if we experience them long enough). Fear and anxiety are sometimes quite irrational, but we do not notice it - our body reacts to every fear in the same way. And yet countless things are a reason for us to fear / anxiety: work (fear of loss, inefficiency at work, before the boss), family (fear of breakup, illness, death, failure), car, travel, poverty, weather, criminals ... The catalog remains open.These feelings, experienced in excess, can paralyze us, we are afraid to move, we are afraid to live, we only think about maintaining the status quo. Let's get rid of them - on our own or with the help of a specialist (it's not a shame!), Just to be effective.
4. Do not wish anything bad to anyone - it may come true and eventually he will come back to us.Don't say, "damn it all," "everything sucks." It sounds a bit exotic, maybe a bit like fairy tips, but today more and more scientists are beginning to talk loudly about the fact that energy follows attention, and bad emotions ultimately affect the malicious person himself. Quantum physics bows.
Mind hygiene. Just as we remember about body hygiene, we should also remember about mind hygiene, which is the basis of a happy life. If we have chaos in our heads, how can we hear the voice of our nature? Let's master constantly galloping thoughts and learn to direct our attention properly - to what is most important and most beautiful to us. Let's find something that gives us joy!

In our time, mind hygiene is very important, and this is due to the enormity of information and stimuli that reach us every day. I think there are incomparably more of them than only about twenty years ago, when I was a young girl myself. TV, radio, smartphone, laptop, live and other conversations, buzz, noise, music, ads, posters, people, cars, street, books, news etc. Our thoughts follow all this. Moments of peace and quiet are necessary for us, and how many of them do we have in a day? Even the night is too short to sleep.
Mind hygiene, i.e. focus and quietness is the basic issue. If we follow this, we will quickly learn to think positively and focus on positives, which in turn will allow us to control exuberant emotions.
I realize that this is not all that can be said about the art of skilful thinking, but the article must end one day and I wanted to leave room for further action for you in the comments. Add your ways, maybe together we can create a small vademecum of using the brain every day.

Friday, June 7, 2019

knitting stitches

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The most beautiful forms of knitting stitches

One of the masterpieces of knitting stitches for work lamps

  • .


  • .

Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday, May 27, 2019


Mary and Martha Mongolia: OUR WORLD FAIR TRADE EVENT DELIVERED ....: Our World Fair Trade Day actually ran for 9 days! And we believe everyone benefited. Firstly, we had wonderful customers who bought w...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

polina zerebcova

po klevais: Tikrai parskrido

po klevais: Tikrai parskrido: Net nesitiki, kad beveik metai praėjo... Paukščių širdelę išsiuvinėjau pernai pavasarį. O vietą ji rado tik dabar. Susitupėjo ir išsiperėjo...

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I made the cake


3 tablespoons of butter
3 tablespoons of plum syrup (mother makes plum jam, cooked plums with sugar, now they are standing in such a - syrup? I think it can be called)
3 tablespoons of flour
1 egg
3 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of cocoa
half a teaspoon of baking powder

I melted butter in the microwave. Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder through a sieve into cooled liquid butter. I rub the lumps in the strainer with a spoon to make them pass through the eyes. I added sugar and plum syrup. The consistency was not very interesting and I was afraid that it will not merge, but thanks to the egg and thorough mixing I got a pudding consistency.
I put it in the microwave for 2.5 minutes for 800w.
It turned out, quite a nice fluffy cake to which you can make mass, you can sprinkle something ... I lightly poured plums. I eat the next pieces without additions.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Crafting With Friends: Challenge 2 winner and design team favourites.

Crafting With Friends: Challenge 2 winner and design team favourites.: Hi everyone hope you are all well. We are now on a break for easter but will be back on the 26th April 2019 at 9am uk time our challeng...

Friday, April 19, 2019

take diversion: Ayyanars - Village Guardians

take diversion: Ayyanars - Village Guardians: We've travelled from Bangalore to Coimbatore frequently  in the past two years. Small villages go by in a flash but I've noticed l...

Sunday, March 3, 2019

JuliaCrossland: Walking in a Winter Wonderland...

JuliaCrossland: Walking in a Winter Wonderland...: Hello lovely people! How are you?  For the British readers here, are you still battling through the snow storms?  Our little village still h...