Friday, October 25, 2019

How to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables

 Image result for vegetable basket pics

·         Fruits and vegetables are the base of the pyramid nutrition. This means that we should eat them
·         as many as possible. Sometimes, however, that after eating an apple, grape or tomato rozboli
·         stomach. We wonder then what happens if you do not have allergies. Often, but not
·         This is an allergic reaction to the product, only the chemistry contained therein. treated
·         pesticides in order to not spoiled in transit or wax to give a more beautiful look
·         us a hard time, if not before eating remove these poisons. Some of them accumulate
·         in the body and over time can lead to cancer . We can not order 
·         manufacturers would not use chemicals, but we can cope on home remedies to
·         as far as possible to remove it, and thus protect health.

·         Fruits and vegetables contain the most pesticides

·         With vegetables absorb the most pesticides tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spinach and celery
·         celery. Fruits that need to be especially careful are apples, grapes, strawberries,
·         peaches, nectarines and cherries. A separate category is citrus fruits, which are
·         Prisca often as potent as imazalil that already eating the orange 2
·         agent can make us poisoning. The same is true of bananas and watermelon.

·         Water is not enough

·         If you think that it is enough properly wash fruits and vegetables to get rid of these
·         dirty tricks then you are wrong. Wax does not wash off with water, and a pesticide or not. one can
·         buy a special eco-friendly liquid for washing vegetables and fruits, but such measures are not cheap.
·         You can also wash properly citrus water with liquid detergent. then there
·         chance that he rinses chemical stuff. It is more difficult with grapes. It's not possible
·         winogronka thoroughly scrub all. One can, however, manage home
·         the methods of removing the peel of the fruit and vegetable pesticides.

·         How to remove pesticides from the peel of fruits and vegetables home remedies?

·         Prepare an acidic solution. Per liter of water add half a cup of vinegar. Rinse vegetables in it
·         and fruit for 3 minutes.

·         In a separate bowl, prepare an alkaline solution. Per liter of water add a heaped tablespoon
·         soda. Rinse it in fruits and vegetables for another 3 minutes.
·         Attention:
·         Water after such washing may become murky and yellowish, and its surface may appear
·         a  greasy residue. This means that pesticides are washed off the skin.

·         The  last stage is the rinsing of fruits and vegetables with running water.


·         After this step, we are sure that any contamination from the skin last. remains
·         the only question is how much stuff chemical used for spraying penetrated into the vegetables and
·         fruit. Scientist from Gdansk took up researching of selected fruits and vegetables and
·         checking how far inwardly these substances can penetrate. We can only wait
·         results.

·         At the end, the consolation I give you a list of fruits and vegetables, which, as the researchers
·         the non-profit EEC are as free of pesticides. They claim that the accumulation
·         toxic substances in vegetables and fruits is dependent on the construction of their tissues,
·         which is sometimes a kind of protective barrier. For those lucky they are: cabbage, onions,
·         cauliflower, asparagus, avocado, mango, eggplant, pineapple, sweet potatoes and green peas.

·         kitchen

·         That's all from me for today. I'm curious what you think about this. Or you had the sensations
·         stomach after eating grapes, apples or tomatoes? Try on the way home
·         removal of pesticides?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Quote of the day

You doubt we read the stars on high
Nathless we read your fortunes true;
The stars may hide in the upper sky
But without glass we fathom you.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
